Mountaineer during a break in the summersun-kissed Dolomites Mountain climber looking at the sight of the Dolomites in South Tyrol A happy family outdoors in a campsite in South Tyrol during a summer day Shoe detail of a wanderer Lagi di Braies surrounded by trees and mountains A relaxed couple laying in their tend holding each others hand

Comfort Camping Tisens-Tesimo

Comfort Camping
4 Stars Tesimo

South Tyrol - Italy

Luxury Camping Schlosshof

Luxury Camping

Lana/Meran, Südtirol

Useful numbers and links

Phone numbers

Emergency call 118
Ambulance 118
Mountain Rescue118
Firefighters 115
Carabinieri 112
Police 113
Traffic information 1518
ACI (Club Automobile Italia) 803116
Emergency Road ACI 803116


Chemists in South Tyrol
Pollen Information Service